Twelve Things About Social Media Networks That Drive Me To The Brink of Insanity

Almost everybody is on Facebook and I just gotta say, it is driving me nuts! Here's my version of why I am beginning to get irritated at Facebook. Seriously.

1.  Pictures of food. Nonstop! They even post those that do not look good at all.

2.  Endless updates of your friends about their favorite popular people. I don't think I need an image of this one. Do I!?

3.  Incessantly posting pictures of themselves with 10 variations of almost the same pose, background, shirt, and yes, THE SAME FACE.

4.  Status messages with at least 10 hashtags.

#WhyIAmIrritatedWithFB #ohno #toomuchhashtags #hashtagsgalore #whenwillyoustophastagging #nofilter #whatwhynot #justbecause #iwantto #talkabouthastags #whycantustop #becauseicantstop #iamaddictedtohashtags #pleasestopnow

What's a hashtag? - Gibbs, NCIS

5.  People commenting and chatting without vowels, which I do not understand. Vowels are part of the alphabet, they are meant to be used!

6.  Improper use of the alphabet, the numbers, and capitalizations. JEJEMONS NOT DEAD!

7. Instagram. Facebook has bought you already, and I am STILL waiting for when I am able to filter my posts and edit its privacy settings.

8.  Status messages that reach well beyond 500 words.

9. Twitter. I don't get how people can have a thousand tweets in less than half a year. I really don't get it, but it's amusing, anyway! It is one reason why I still have not deleted my account :)

10. Facebook Messenger. You send a message, the receiver does not reply. You get to be in the "seen zone". WHY? Why do you have to know if that person has seen your message already? Why do we have to know? Lol.

11. People You May Know. In short, PEOPLE WHO MIGHT HAVE STALKED YOU ALREADY. It's quite a futile attempt to mask those who have viewed your profile by putting these people in a list called "People You May Know". No image for this one, sorry.

12. Well, it's such a distraction. I should probably be working on something more important right now, yet I am blogging about the things I don't like about Facebook. I guess it's that time of the year again to deactivate my account ... NOT ☺

A Modicum of Anonymity | 10 Facebook Status Updates That Drive Me To The Brink of Insanity
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