Memes for Manhaters

So a friend of mine were talking about this guy she really liked, although married I could still provide some useful counsel from time to time. That's what I'd like to think so, at least. She was so angry at him that I made some of these images to remind her that she needs to focus on herself, and not him. We would laugh hysterically after every image I created for her. 

He is irrelevant.

Every man lies.
Men are whores.

He does not care. REALLY.

He cannot be saved by you.
He has probably forgotten all about you already.

He will always have something more important to do.

He does not deserve you.
He will keep hurting you.

These images were just for fun, of course! We do not hate men, these images were just so hilarious to read during the time that she was problematic with him. Anyway, I made them using Diptic, and these images are not meant for socially-negative campaigns against men.

He is not worth it.
