The Changes That Occur

Today, I'm in Stockholm. I am seated by the window, gazing out into the street, alone on a quiet and early Saturday morning in Starbucks. I swirled the whipped cream on top of my Chocolate Chip Créme Frappuccino and remembered a page from "Catcher In The Rye".

The protagonist was in the museum with his sister telling her that he had been there before. He realized that everything in there stayed the same. It was him who was different; older, amongst other things. 

I swirl the whipped cream and looked around me. What changes occurred since the last time I twirled the green straw to mix my beverage?

More than five years ago: I was single, I knew what I wanted to do with my career. I had direction. The people I saw when I looked out the window of Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf (I preferred this to Starbucks) were Asians, but still had the same city flare and rush as with the Caucasians I'm seeing walk past me right now. Did my preferences change? How about my aspirations and goals? Pretty sure they did. I'm just not sure if I'm still headed in the direction I've wanted all along, but this is the challenge of handling change.

One needs to adjust, somehow.

Whether it's learning a new language to better relate to the new kind of people that surround you nowadays, or just learning how to grit your teeth longer than you've ever had while trying to get through a situation you don't really like. 

Although, I guess the real point of this entry is how you would feel about these changes. Do you like these new changes or not?

Only time can tell.

Yes, really.

Then again, how much time will it take?
