The Big Bang for 2014!

Tonight was a blast! I partied with friends and new-found acquaintances with about 30 people in Uppsala, had great dinner and drinks, plus a spectacular view of the castle when the fireworks started!

My friends were a couple, and the boyfriend is one of the members of the hosting family, who are Indonesians. I was really surprised to find out that the parents could speak almost perfect Filipino! Apparently, they used to work with a Filipino-owned company in Borneo back in the 60's. It was with much fascination how they recounted their experiences there. I was the only Filipino in that crowd, but I felt really welcomed and most important of all, I felt at home. It was definitely not what I expected, but it was indeed an interesting night to welcome the new year! 

The hosting family also knows the song "Dahil Sa 'Yo", which is a classic ballad written and composed in my native tongue, Filipino. They were requesting me to sing it, and I would have, if only I knew how haha! Imagine that! 

Also, I am assuming that their parents were almost 80, but they looked younger! They were using their iPads to record videos and take pictures, and that made me realize that it was delightful to have met these folks!

There was singing and champagne while we waited for the fireworks and great convos with all the other guests, of course! One can only be optimistic that every night in 2014 would be as refreshing as this one. 

As for now, may we leave behind the pains and tragedies we and our fellow men experienced in 2013 with strength and hope for the coming year. God Bless everyone, and stay strong!
